Wednesday, May 22, 2024

#185, Let us entertain you. Movie time.

Welcome back to Lost Coast Portal to Creativity where Lost Coast Designs and Carmen's Veranda collide to bring you twice the inspiration and double the fun!


Hi there, Riet here.
What a fun challenge.
You can participate with anything related to theater, film, dance, circus, etc.
I am a huge film fan and especially love the old Hitchcock films, they are fantastic.
You can see from this card what my favorite is.

Stamps I used:

I die cut the film strip and stamped parts of crows with black ink.
Stamped Alfred and masked him.
Stamped part of the Fourth Dimension to lay a floor.
Using a sponge with a very fine structure, 
I tapped the speckles on the white parts of the card with black ink.
And I made the scratches with the side of cardboard and black ink.
It should look like an old film reel.
I colored Alfred's suit and shadow with a gray pencil.
And with a letter die I made the word bird.
The card is matted with black cardstock.

Hope you will join in this fun challenge,
There is a price to be won.
Please read the rules first to avoide disapointment.
See you at the challenge.

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