Saturday, June 22, 2024

Red, blue and white banner

Welcome back to Lost Coast Portal to Creativity where Lost Coast Designs and Carmen's Veranda collide to bring you twice the inspiration and double the fun!

Cathy here with a banner for you.

Stamps Used:
New Fox stamp not on site yet.

I started out with a new die set I got. I had to try it out. I started out with the largest one and die cut it out of red paper. I then did the second one out of blue paper and the third one out of white paper. 
On the red one I stamped ATC Italian postmark in red ink. On the blue one I stamped Corner swirl in blue ink. On the white one I stamped the Fox in black ink and colored his bowtie in with blue. I then took the  ATC Italian postmark and Corner swirl and stamped them around the fox. 
I layered them all on top of each other and there is my banner. 

You still have time to join the challenge over at the Lost Coast blog.

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