Saturday, June 15, 2024

Red, white & blue: Flower Girl Gate

Welcome back to Lost Coast Portal to Creativity where Lost Coast Designs and Carmen's Veranda collide to bring you twice the inspiration and double the fun!

Hello everyone, Liesbeth here with a new card for our challenge of this month: Red, White & Blue.

I used just 2 colours of Versafine Clair ink and I just stamped, cut, glued and sponged, using the wonderful gate stamp from ATC Miscellaneous 4  and one of the faces from 3 Flying flower girl faces

Hope I inspired you to paticipate and join the fun! See you next time!


1 comment:

ionabunny said...

Oooh, that's fun and lovely and very striking Liesbeth. Love the gate fold revealing the pretty face. Hugz